
How To Create Multiple Gmail Accounts Without Phone Number - Fanbook21 (2022)

Hello my lovely readers out there, welcome to another lovely blog post. Today you will learn how to create multiple gmail accounts without phone number. I'm sure you are already doubting me but everything is possible. Your new gmail accounts can be created without phone number verification. Another thing to note is that you can add a recovery email address to your new gmail account.

Before I further my writng, you can read on HOW TO MAKE MONEY AS A STUDENT IN NIGERIA.

In this article, you'd also learn how to Block Explicit Results from Google search engine results pages (SERPs). These explicit result can include pornography. Our satellite dishes at home like DSTV, GOTV and so on, has a parental guidiance control menu which enable parents control what their children watch on TV.

How To Create Multiple Gmail Accconts Without Phone Number

  1. Firstly, pick up your phone and locate Gmail APP on your device. Click on the app to launch it. Then click the small arrow on the left hand corner.
  2. By now, you should see all the Gmail accounts you have created so far. Click on +Add Account.
  3. From the next page, SET UP EMAIL by selecting Google
  4. You won't sign in here because your are creating a new account. Select Create Account and Next.
  5. Gmail will ask you for the account type you want to create, I recommend choosing To Manage My Business.
  6. Create your account by choosing a name and NEXT.
  7. Add your basic info which includes DOB and Gender respectively.
  8. Choose the account name you wish to use and Next.
  9. Create a strong password.
  10. You won't add any phone number here. You are going to skip this process.
  11. Review your Gmail account information and Agree to their TERMS.

Congratulation, your new Gmail account has been successfully created without phone number verification. The idea behind this method is to avoid purchasing new SIM card for verification.

How To Block Explicit Results From Google Search

You can control what you see on Google search results. Say you have younger ones at home, and you want to prevent them from watching or viewing explicit contents like pornograhy, you can prevent all explicit results from displaying on Google search when they are searched for.
  1. Firstly, to achieve this, you need to visit Google website by clicking here
  2. Having done that, navigate to search settings.
  3. ALSO READ: How To Create An App For Free And Make Money

  4. Locate SafeSearch Filters? and toggle Hide Explicit results and that's it. Don't forget to save. Do the same thing to all your google apps or chrome browser installed on any device be it desktop or mobile.

About Frank Chukwurah


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